See Don Jazzy's funny childhood motivational throwback pictures

Don Jazzy remains Nigeria's best/ number one musician and producer. He controls the largest set of followers and online audience as well as enjoying the best of signings to his award winning record label 'Marvin Records'.

This man remains Nigeria's and Africa's most successful music businessman, control the entire music industry in Nigeria and in Africa as a whole yet remains an epitome of honesty and dire humility to those who have come across him on any sphere.

Don Jazzy didn't have it all rossy from the beginning, like many other successful Nigerians, he grew up not a poor kid but strived and determined to be successful against every odd.

On one occasion, he decided to have a permanent tattoo of the dollar sign on his shoulder as a remembrance so when he would finally make it, he would always look back at it and be consoled.

Today his brand pays the bills of hundred and thousands directly and indirectly globally and I'm sure Don is very proud of the man he has become.

We can all draw huge inspiration from the life and story of this music icon Don Jazzy to never give but forge ahead to be the best at all times.

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